Seth Godin is kind of a big deal. People know him. He writes a blog. People read it.

It's Nonsense.

Obviously he writes it to help Build his Brand, and so I guess he's happy to give ridiculous 'advice' and draw indefensible conclusions, in the name of Having Something to Write. He seems like a smart guy, so I assume he knows how ridiculous his posts are.

But others might not. They might follow his advice. And if they did, they might ruin their careers, lose all their friends, and go broke.

This blog's for them.


Aka "Stuff Seth Godin Likes"

Godin's trickery and sophistry usually adopt one of several familiar forms. Learn to spot them, and reading his posts not only will be safer, it will also be more much fun.

    Gross Imprecision
    Stating the Obvious
    Really Bad Ideas

Saturday, May 31, 2008



(Godinisms: Stating the Obvious)

Sooooooo, recognition is good? This is not something I consider news. This is such a perfect example of StO that it's almost as though I wrote it myself. I can only assume that Seth Godin keeps a handy list of Things Everyone Already Knows on hand, and burns a listitem everytime he's maxed out on caffeine and still really, really, really can't think of anything to write about.

The subject of the post is so uninteresting, the post is almost unworthy of further consideration. But I will point out some bad writing.

do you deserve to be recognized by the businesses you patronize
No. No you do not. A few verbs might work here. Certainly not 'deserve'.

do you think it would be motivating (or even satisfying) to have your boss recognize you for the hard work you did over Memorial Day weekend?
Here's a better question: why the F are you working on Memorial Day weekend? If you absolutely had to, then fine. More than likely though you're either a martyr or a sucker. Don't do that.

(And another thing . . . I don't care for the use of 'hard work' here. Coal mining is hard work. But I think Mr. Godin is probably referring to some form of desk work here. If you sit at a desk for a living, stop telling yourself you're working hard. You're not. Enjoy it.)

That ought to do it.

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